Transform uncertainty into security with comprehensive insights to fortify clients’ insurance coverage.
In today's landscape, life insurance policies are complex financial instruments requiring ongoing monitoring, similar to other assets in a portfolio. The objective is for a policy to provide crucial support for beneficiaries when needed most. To avoid any unwelcome surprises during such times, conducting an annual policy audit and taking necessary corrective actions is essential.
Our reviews are clear and thorough. We want you to fully understand the recommendations we have for your clients’ policies.
Annual audits serve as a proactive approach to risk management, addressing vulnerabilities before they become problematic.
Maximize the effectiveness of your clients’ life insurance policies, ensuring they continue to meet their needs.
Through detailed analysis, we identify specific areas for improvement based on a client’s individual goals and priorities.
Policy audits unveil the performance of your clients’ life insurance policies, shedding light on crucial factors like interest rate fluctuations and market dynamics that impact cash values and policy adequacy.
Your clients’ insurance coverage should adapt and grow as they do. Our review entails that policies remain aligned with evolving needs and objectives such as business successions, family expansions and other significant life events.
Trustee obligations are serious and sometimes overlooked. The Uniform Prudent Investor Act holds the trustee responsible for managing the trust and complying with the rules set forth in the act. The responsibilities placed on a trustee are immense, but the trustee may have had very little influence in the initial set up of the trust or the insurance policy(ies) inside of it.
Gain insight into the latest insurance products and industry advancements. Emerging enhancements and innovative planning strategies can optimize coverage and financial goals, demonstrating how new products may be more efficient.
Access to Over 75 insurance carriers
CPS Private Client Solutions (CPS | PCS) is a pioneer in the realm of insurance planning. With a seasoned team of industry veterans, we've honed our craft to provide comprehensive risk management strategies supported by insurance.